
You thought college was going to be amazing…

It was going to be your chance to have a fresh start, to make new friends, to be free and independent.  Unfortunately, things haven’t turned out that way.  It seems like everyone around you is happy and having fun.  You desperately want to be one of those students who hangs out with friends on the weekends and who eats in a big group in the dining hall, but most days you find yourself alone and missing out on all of the fun.   

You are finding it hard to meet new people and to make new friends…  

Your roommate is weird and the other students in your dorm have already established friendship groups and it feels awkward to try to be part of their groups. You were well-liked and happy in high school and you thought college would be even better.  It’s nothing like you imagined and most days you just want to go back home.  Your grades are starting to slip and you are thinking about quitting, but you know how much your parents sacrificed to give you this opportunity.

You feel ashamed and embarrassed by how hard this is for you…

You look at your friends’ social media posts and see how well everyone else is doing in college and wonder why you are struggling so much. You are having trouble sleeping and you are constantly worrying about your classes and the work that you have to do.  You’re falling further and further behind and you don’t see a way to fix this mess.  You’re beginning to think you will never make it in college..

We teach young adults who are having difficulty adjusting to college practical skills to better manage academic and social stress.  We provide a safe place to talk about the struggles and work together to create a plan that helps students feel more connected and more successful.  We love helping college students find their way to a brighter and happier future!

If you are ready to stop feeling anxious, depressed and self-conscious and start feeling secure and successful in college, call today to learn how we can help.